26 March 2012

Every Spring is the Only Spring

It's that time of year when my head is permanently tilted at a ninety degree angle. I can't take my eyes off the trees.

My weekend was full and included a Saturday spent eating and moseying around in a neighboring town with Tiho, a delightful blogger's brunch at Alice's Tea Cup, a matinĂ©e viewing of The Hunger Games, coffee & conversation with a new friend, and of course, the return of Mad Men. I stayed up too late editing trip photos and can't wait to share them with you over the course of the week. I'm feeling particularly giddy thanks to a second whole week off from work. My normal schedule kicks my ass the majority of the time, which makes right now feel like I won the lottery. (I'm cashing in the bulk of my winnings for sleep. A quality trade, I tell you).

*Title quote by Ellis Peters. In full: "Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."


  1. My eyes are also UP at this time of year...gorgeous shots!

  2. I love the trees now too. The flowers are beautiful!! =)

  3. It was so good to see you this weekend. I can't wait to do it again soon. And did you love The Hunger Games?

    And these photos are so lovely. Maybe I'll get out for a walk around DC tonight.

  4. enjoy week 2 of your break. looking forward to the cali photos.


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