21 October 2011

What's This? Blinks are Back?

A few awesome things I discovered on the internet recently...

I wish I could splurge on this gorgeous original painting by Israeli artist, Tali ($90)

Swirly, curly typography makes me smile. (see more on typography served).

I can't adequately describe how much these nebula-scapes are blowing my mind. You can download the images for free (and in high-resolution!) from Hubblesite. (via Armas Design)

I really enjoyed this decorating article in the Wall Street Journal; 10 Odd, Yet Essential Elements of Style. It's an except from a forthcoming book by Deborah Needleman (a la Domino fame) entitled The Perfectly Imperfect Home.

The weekend forecast looks beautiful. Low 60's and sunny with only a minimal smattering of odds and ends on the agenda. After a week straight of 12-hour workdays, I'm looking forward to popping the cork on a bottle of red and putting my feet up. What are your plans? Whatever they may be, enjoy 'em!


  1. Hurrah for blinks! Love the typography.

    My weekend? A movie, baking and lots of park walks! Have a good one!

  2. Yay blinks! I'm relaxing...it's been a big & busy week, although all very rewarding. ;)

  3. I love that little bird. He's gorgeous.

    And that breakfast print! Awesome.

    Have a lovely, relaxing, wine-filled weekend, Kayla.

  4. I'm absolutely smitten with these blinks, and with your weekend plans! SF promises high 70s this weekend, so I guess we'll be sipping something cold!

  5. that breakfast print is adorable... hope you have an excellent weekend :)

  6. I can never get enough of the images from Hubble. Ever. And they're somehow even doubly beautiful when you know all the mathematical equations that govern the heavens. Have a stunning weekend, my dear!

  7. oh my gosh. i want that bacon and eggs on my kitchen wall immediately. aaand im pretty much already drooling over the elements of style article. i will need to buy that forthcoming book asap.


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