24 October 2011

Scenes From The Weekend (Instagram Edition)

The weekend according to my second pair of eyes, Monsieur iphone:

Post-work pit stop at my favorite bakery for a mocha latte and a bag of sweets; Saturday afternoon indulgence at (where else?) Ikea. So greasy, so good.

The scarf I'll live in for the next several months; and surprise!--requisite stripes. I'm so predictable.

Giant pumpkin macaron (from the aforementioned bakery); late night snuggling & movie-watching.

Plate of leftover macarons at midnight (now we've officially pegged me as a cliché); newly purchased bathroom rug. It was a $20 impulse buy at Ikea, but we're both in awe of how it completely upgrades the space. Wish it came in giant size for the living room.

Famer's market carrots are better than all supermarket carrots; And obviously, so is farmer's market artisan bread. Note my "hell yes" face as I haul the loot home.

Clown pumpkin in pink plastic cheetah print; A lesson in observance (more on that soon).

Sunday funday means leisurely snacking by utilizing the oft-neglected teapot and china. Because, when else do I bust it out?

Not pictured: amazing animal puppets nabbed for $3.99 at Ikea; foliage walks around the neighborhood; a particularly chilly Saturday night outing for hot cider; home-cooked candlelit dinner for two; skype date with in-laws; blog browsing; slow-roasted brussels sprouts* and ginormous pasta bowls.

A good one indeed. Now, bring it, Monday! How are all of you fine human beings feeling today?

*I googled the proper spelling of "brussels sprouts," because spell check kept saying that "brussel sprouts" was wrong. Turns out, you need that extra "s" on "brussel." Hello random?


  1. i love that your shirt/scarf match the macaroons. also i just had to look up how to properly spell macaroon. #brussles

  2. looks like a lovely and delicious weekend!!

  3. I love your scarf and phone cover! So freakin' adorable! You've made me want to go to IKEA now as well. Hmm... Looks like a lovely & restful weekend. :)

  4. What an absolutely wonderful weekend-I love how dedicated you are to taking photos, especially when they're as lovely as these!

  5. farmer market carrots are sooo much yummier than supermarket carrots!

  6. Such fun photos Kayla, looks like a great weekend full of goodies.
    Natasha xx

  7. I agree with Will - I love your iPhone cover!! These pictures are so cute and fun- I like Instagram edition!! Especially the hell yeah photo - you should be an ad for farmers' markets! : )

  8. Yeah totally didn't know that about brusselS sprouts. Lame.

  9. That photo of your with the baguette? LOVE IT!

  10. animal puppets at ikea?! i need to check if those are at ikea out here too. i need to get some new puppets for my therapy practice. also, your iphone cover with the giraffes is adorable! looks like an extremely lovely weekend.

  11. I need to make the dreaded ikea run. it totally blows when you don't have a car to carry your loot back! bleh.


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