02 September 2011

A Few Happy Things

1). All of the birthday comments, tweets, facebook messages, cards and calls I received yesterday. Whoa. If anything can make a girl feel loved on her birthday, it's social media. A huge & heartfelt thanks!

2). The most beautiful camera bag ever. My camera is my baby. I wish I could splurge and give it a snazzy place to rest its head.

3). This red wool cape. Red is my power color and I want to conquer the upcoming fall & winter like a superhero. Except, you know, a stylish one.

4). A love letter to NYC in the form of a poster. Because my city is amazing and there are primary colors involved. Sold.

5). A yellow butterfly. I don't think I could ever buy a preserved butterfly because I'd feel too sorry for it stuck between two slabs of glass. I'm including it here to admire guilt-free, and instead, imagining it alive and fluttering through a garden.

6). The lakeside wedding we're attending this weekend in upstate New York. One last little hoorah before I kiss summer goodbye for good.

Have a superb weekend, my darling friends. Before you go, I'd love to hear some of your own happiness-inducing things.


  1. I love all these things. Especially that red cape. And the camera bag. And the lovely butterfly, but even more so the butterflies outside. And you.

  2. Pretty, pretty cape coat! I just bought most all my fall/winter staple items on clearance--including a gorgeous gray wool coat. That makes me preeetty happy. So does the cooler weather we're getting here in the Midwest this weekend.

  3. I could have sworn I wrote a comment here! I need to stop looking at posts, planning on commenting, and then bookmarking before I comment!

    Looove that adorable coat and what you wrote about that beautiful butterfly. Some of my happiness-inducing things, hm.. Bon Iver's music video that Mary posted on For A Life Inspired made me pretty happy as did your recent comment! : )


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.