24 June 2011

Frantic Packing + Blinks

Something about this space makes me feel like floating. I adore everything about it. (spotted on A Merry Mishap)

"Light makes people happy" by Noel Skrzypczak. Yes indeed. (spotted on The Design Files)

 Whoa whoa whoa. Crazy beautiful. (image by Chris Peddecord via Dancing Branflakes)

 Consider this my wistful tribute to peonies, as their season slowly tapers off...(photo by Heather Smith Jones)

Drowning doesn't look like drowning. As a former lifeguard and swim instructor, I beg of you to read this article as we welcome swimming season. Knowledge is power.

Australian illustrator James Gulliver Hancock is attempting to draw all of the buildings in NYC. You can buy an assortment of his original prints right here. (via Short Story Design)

Have you heard about Hello Giggles, the brand new humor website co-founded by the fabulous Zooey Deschanel? A must-visit for all you lovely gal pals of mine.

The prettiest chocolate bars I've ever seen. (via Honey Kennedy)

It's going to be a jam-packed weekend full of cleaning, packing, outings in Brooklyn and an extra long, must-get-done-by-Monday to do list. I'm dumb-founded that the end of June already descended upon us. Anyhow, have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you back here in a couple of days. Much love.


  1. Lots of things for me to check out, as usual...thanks! When do you leave? I'm so excited for you!!

  2. Happy weekend & happy packing to you! By the way, I have about six million suggestions for your trip to Paris, by the way. I promise to send you a big e-mail with all the details this weekend!

  3. Jame's work is my total 100% favourite. He had an exhibition in Ludlow St recently and I was so tempted to jump on a flight just to go to it!

    Happy packing! So excited for you!

  4. i know, it's almost july! so crazy. i love hello giggles. hooray for funny girls. good luck this weekend!

  5. Agreed-how is it late June and vacations upon us? Although I have a dirty secret to confess-I packed our clothes twice before a "final" pack...last weekend. I'm a lunatic.

    I loved Hello Giggles, and all these wonderful images. The perfect antidote to a frenzied Friday morning!

    xoxox, Lena

  6. I've been loving Hello Giggles, so great. Have a great weekend love!

  7. I love the picture of the dancer! <3

  8. Love all of those pictures, and I' going right now to read that article.

  9. Those are chocolate bars?! Wow! And I love that dancing photograph as well. I hope you had a lovely weekend, Kayla!

  10. P.S. Thanks for posting that drowning article. I just read it and it confirmed what I've thought for years. There was one summer where I remember drowning. I was looking up through the water at my dad and brother and I knew that I was drowning. When my dad finally pulled me out and I told everyone I was drowning, no one ever believed me because I didn't show any obvious signs like the article points out is not, in fact, signs of drowning. Why don't they teach THIS in school/swimming classes?!


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