22 March 2011

Recent Scenes

 (Stabucks' new "petite treats" will be the death of me. Pictured: mini red velvet whoopie pie, chocolate caramel square and lemon bar)

 ("Miss Emma," my beautiful sister)

 (On my bulletin board since forever and a good reminder as I embark on some new personal & professional endeavors)

 (The delicious meal Emma prepared for us on her last night here: chicken marsala, roasted asparagus, french bread, salad and pinot grigio)

 (An afternoon stroll around the central park reservoir after work on Friday. It was 70 degrees and sunny: a stellar way to kick off spring break)

 (A recently thrifted brass doe making her home in the living room)

This is, quite possibly, the most random mix of photos ever, but it's a sampling of what my camera captured the past few days. I was sad to say goodbye to my sister when she left on Friday, but have a week's worth of memories to tide me over until I see her next (in late April, when we head up to Ithaca for her lead performance in the theater department's spring musical, Baby).

A particularly special highlight was her visit to my classroom. I wish I could share those photos and the instant obsession on the part of my students: they called her "Miss Emma" and were completely mesmerized by the fact that she is a singer/actress. You should have seen the awe radiate across their faces when she sang The Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World" (as requested by them). She spent the entire day, which was equally as fun for her as it was nice for me to share what I do.

I am on spring break from work these next two weeks and am feeling happy about having a more flexible schedule. I have a fair amount of writing to complete as well as various appointments and household projects, but I'm most excited about the extra downtime to enjoy long walks with my camera, elaborate breakfasts and lazy afternoons at the local coffee shop with a book. Luxurious rarities.

I'm also stoked about wearing nothing but my fluffy white bathrobe. What can I say, I live on the edge.


  1. I've not yet tried the new Starbuck's mini treats, but I totally need to!

    Enjoy your two weeks off - totally jealous right now!

    P.S. Your sister is gorgeous! And, as for the little something you'e posted - thank you in advance...how exciting!

  2. i may be the last one NOT to try starbucks new yummy looking minnie delights-- just because it WILL be the death of me lol

    i LOVE that brass doe! and your sis and you look just alike :) random photo posts are my fave.

  3. you and your sister are too cute! and look so much alike!

  4. sounds like you had a great time with your sister!

    i'm so jealous that you're on spring break. i just got off spring break

    no more fuzzy robe time for me :[[[

  5. A two week spring break-you lucky girl! Enjoy the bathrobe and checking lots of your to-do list; it sounds divine!

    Also, those petite treats might have made me just drool. No big deal.

  6. uhhh, red velvet whoopie pie!? ok that may just entice me enough to go to a starbucks hahah.

  7. aw, the image of your sister singing "a whole new world" to your class is so adorable! what a fun time you two must have had. and red velvet whoopie pies? oh no! :)

  8. haha nothing sounds better than living in a fluffy white bathrobe for 2 weeks :) enjoy this break my dear! and your lil sis is the cutest.

  9. Enjoy your time off..and your sis is gorgeous-I see your smile!

  10. Great images! They capture your week so well.. Your sister is gorgeous! Good genes run in the family, eh :)

    "Luxuries rarities" is a good way of putting it. There IS a reason why the bathrobe was invented, and it ain't the shower.

    Enjoy your spring break!

  11. I love that you blogged about the new Starbucks treats! I've already broken down and had the red velvet whoopie pie and the tiramisu cake pop. Both were deeelish.

  12. I must confess to buying the lemon square and dividing it into 4. My kids were less than impressed to get SUCH a tiny treat. "Mum! It was already small before you cut it!"

    Hanging out in a fluffy white bathrobe sounds like just the thing to me. Lovely.

  13. I always think it's hilarious that everyone thinks Emma and I look so much alike. We don't see it, but we've been hearing it our whole lives! Thanks for your sweet comments, all.

  14. So fun! I like the randomness- it made sense to me : )

  15. I totally know the feeling being alone again after a wonderful week spend together with my sister. Thanks for the Starbucks' inspiration - always a pleasure to read your posts :-)


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