17 December 2010

Preparations + A Few Blinks

Happy Friday! Enjoy this week's compilation of blinks (blog links)...

A crayon wreath! I was meant to see this. (via the fabulous Elissa at Ebb & Flow)

I want to transport myself to this scene. If winter looked like this every day, I could deal. via Melissa

Feel like sleuthing? (photo + cute gift idea seen on My Favorite Things)

This wavy bunk bed spotted on Smallest Things is gorgeous

 I love fudge. Easy peasy recipe + beautiful photos from Hilda Grahnat

 Another gorgeous map. Available on 20x200 discovered via Black Eiffel

I'd really like a self-filtering water bobble to help me refrain from buying plastic ones (discovered on A Piece of Toast)

 This week's style icon is french beauty, Marion Cotillard. She just...gets it right. (image via Blue Pool Road)

 Oh man, I am obsessed with these fruit tea light holders from Australian shop Mozi. Currently sold out but my guess is they're back in stock post holidays. (Discovered on Design Files)

 Best party/wedding table sign ever? (via Erin Ever After)

A colorful mosaic puzzle & awesome alphabet animal blocks might need to find their way into my classroom soon. Thanks to Liz for always sharing quality kid-related products.

 Will you? (great poster seen on That's Happy)

Dudes and dudettes, I am officially on my holiday break. Fist. Pump.  I'll miss my students but am looking forward to having time off. This weekend, I need to power through one last final paper for grad school and prepare the house for our special visitors. Tiho's parents and younger brother are flying in from Bulgaria on Monday night to stay with us for 2 & 1/2 weeks! We've only "met" through skype, so this is kind of a big deal considering their son and I have been together for nearly 1.5 years. Dating a European whose entire family lives oversees mean infrequent quality family time. I am really excited to celebrate the holidays and welcome the New Year with them. 

Have a great one! xo.


  1. Oooo I hope you have a jolly old time with Tiho's parents - what an exciting moment!

    As for the crayon wreath - yes, yes, yes and I would happily plonk myself in that winter scene for a week or two!

    Have a lovely weekend. xo

  2. That crayon wreath is genius! And a big yay for being on break. It sounds like you are going to have an awesome couple of weeks, you both must be over the moon excited to have so much in person time with family! Good luck with the house prep, my parents are flying in tomorrow and our house is nowhere near ready for visitors, am starting to freak out about it a bit.

  3. Oh I am so jealous! For 10 years I've been here, my family is yet to come and visit :-(. It's great to meet the other person's family or home...you learn so much more about him! This past summer, my boyfriend came with me to Bulgaria. Poor thing was so nervous (language and such) but it all went great. Sweet people have sweet families and I'm sure you'll have an awesome time with Tiho's. Plus it's a nice excuse to do all the silly touristy things with them:-)

    Happy holidays and keep smiling! Happiness is contagious....

  4. so exciting about tiho's fam coming to visit :) enjoy your time with them my dear! and that fudge recipe is killing meeeee!! xo.

  5. 1- Love your links. That crayon wreath is AWESOME and I want that map too!

    2- Have so much fun with Tiho's parents! Hopefully you'll get to visit them in Bulgaria too : )

  6. A lovely list of Blinks - isn't Marion Cotillard stunning! And how exciting (and a bit nerve wracking) having Tiho's family to stay - have a wonderful break.

  7. Maya, yes yes yes to everything you say! :)

    Everyone, thanks for the well-wishes, and of course, for your sweet comments.


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