03 November 2010

Black and White

Often, the people, places, objects and ideas from which I garner inspiration take on an apparent and obvious theme. The past few weeks, I realized that several of the images I've been collecting on my desktop were black and white and they are all collectively peppering me with the loveliest thoughts and emotions. I don't know about you, but I'm not one to question that sort of evocative inspiration. I just allow myself to breathe it...to feel it...to experience it.

Has anything been evoking similar feelings in you lately?

 William Claxton photograph of Natalie Wood against the backdrop of my beloved city; a portrait in pencil by Emma Leonard, a wedding kiss captured by Nancy Neil, black cat masquerade mask in watercolor by Clare Owen and "Song Above Water" from the portfolio of Elena Lyakir


  1. Black & white makes something seem immediately classic, especially with photography. It always seems to have more of an impact on me.

  2. I love that first photo with the city and her hair slightly blowing in the breeze. Captivating.

    I just stumbled across your blog for the first time and thought I would say hello! I looked through a few of your posts and love your style.

    I'm a blogger as well, about the world of art, but my history is in interior design and fashion. I love to hear what people are saying! Hope we get to see more of each other in the future.


  3. Oh yes, I'm a big believer that sometimes you just love something and can't explain why. And those tend to be my favorite things, the ones you just had to have, or had to look at.
    I adore black and white as well, I think because it makes me think of a more glamorous time, and everything just seems to look better and prettier in black and white.

  4. Oh Kayla, what gorgeous photos. There's nothing like black and white to evoke elegance and glamour-I was so disappointed when opera companies started asking for color photos instead of b&w!

  5. Susan-Agreed!

    Bethany-thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comments. I look forward to visiting your space, and am sure the feeling will be mutual, as art, design and fashion are three of my favorite things!

    Em-It IS so much more glamorous, right? I always associate it with timelessness.

    Lena-I know, right? My sister is also a singer and getting her updated color head shots done this year. I'll miss her old black and whites!


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.