01 May 2012

Around The House

A few vignettes from around our home. Someone on instagram recently asked if our place is always as neat and tidy as it appears. Truthfully, the answer is usually, but only because we're both clutter-phobic.

I've found that when my surroundings evoke a sense of order, my mind tends to follow suit.

So, we try.

At the end of the day, I want my home to be welcoming, warm, colorful, cozy, and personal. It's as simple as that. And hey: if it happens to be a day when a mug pile-up threatens to take over the coffee table, I remember that it's also a home that is undeniably lived in.


  1. My boyfriend is clutter-phobic, I really need to keep more order! I love all the pops of color and those vintage posters!! =)

    Lemanie's Randomness Blog

  2. I'd say you accomplished your task, Kayla. It looks very comfy, cosy and welcoming!

  3. I agree..clutter distracts the mind. You have such a cute place!

  4. Your home is so colorful and inviting!

  5. I love your dining area - so fresh yet so cosy!

  6. John and I are the same way–clutter phobic, and so much more productive when everything else is in its proper place!

  7. I love how colorful and welcoming your home feels. I think I could stand in front of that bookshelf looking at all the little details for a long, long time.

  8. I love seeing your home! I would agree- colorful and welcoming! I feel the same way and right now we have so much clutter and we are seriously cleaning out- it adds stress! I need visual order like you have! Thanks for the motivation : )

  9. I'm so jealous both you and your man are clutter-phobics...I'm not the best in the world but even if I try to be, my man is quite messy and that means spending hours picking up things and de-cluttering. I keep promising myself that a bigger house will solve the problem but the truth is, I have to teach him...and teaching at this point is very hard. I only wonder what will happen if you add a child to the equation :-)


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