21 June 2010

Scenes From The Weekend

This weekend was, in a word, relaxing. Flowers & sunshine mostly, as you're about to see. Oh and a slightly embarrassing photo shoot in the park. What can I say, it's SUMMER and all I want to do is frolic about outdoors.

Saturday included a successful local bookstore run where I sat on the floor hopelessly trying to narrow my pile down. Still dropped $75. I couldn't help it--this place arranges a lot of their book displays based on "book club recommendation" and "readers group picks." Sidenote: I am obsessed with the font in the bottom most title. So pretty. Book looks juicy too.

Currently fawning over the giant and colorful mixed bouquet on the coffee table:

It's not a true June weekend without an ice cream cone. Ben & Jerry's Fish Food, thank you very much.

Latest pedicure (plum!) from my new favorite spa/salon. They give you a 10 minute foot massage. I almost fell asleep in the chair.

A few from the impromptu park photo shoot with T:

Freaking gorgeous orange daffodil-like flowers all over our local park. Took about thirty shots of these.

Now, off to try and perfect the balance of work and leisure in this first week of summer. Hats off to Monday, friends!

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