15 June 2010

Maybe My Favorite Wedding Yet?

I have a confession. When I first saw these images, I pushed my laptop off my lap, stood up from the couch, and announced to my empty living room that I had just seen the most beautiful wedding ever. To my empty living room, people.

Of course, I immediately sat back down and began dragging the pictures to my desktop in order to write a post.

But I stopped. I realized I was selecting every single photo to share. Too many. So, I left the tab open and told myself to return to the post when I could narrow it down to just 5 images (you see, I am trying to be selective about my posting. Only what really inspires/delights/etc.).

That was over a week ago. I returned to the tab last night and tried again. I got it down to 13. (Actually, it's more like 26, since each frame holds 2 images). But that's how much I love this wedding. It is, without a doubt, my current favorite.

(via Beth HelmStetter)

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