16 June 2010

Giraffe Love

I can't really put my finger on when I realized I was, uh, a tad obsessed with giraffes. There is something so adorable about their long eyelashes and nuzzly nature. Come to think of it, they sort of remind me a little of...me. Quirky, cuddly, and genetically blessed with the ability to look straight at the lady behind the make-up counter (or the creepy dude on the subway) and sweetly proclaim, "Yes, my eyelashes are real."

Anyway, the print above recently caught my eye. That face! And to further enable my (unhealthy?) obsession, I discovered this little pin from Fat Cat Vintage and decided it had to be mine. It was only $5, and hey, it's the next best thing to having a pet giraffe, right?

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