08 September 2011

Work, Eat, Sleep (Repeat)

This is where I've been this week. No children until next Wednesday, but between now and then, I face a zillion meetings, a butt load of paperwork, a parent orientation to plan and deliver, and a whole classroom to clean, organize and set up. The last two days proved pleasantly productive, as the space itself is nearly ready to go. My body's adjustment to the 5:30 AM alarm on the other hand...

Arriving home after 6:00 PM and logging another 3-4 hours of work before practically collapsing into bed doesn't help, but it is what it is.

This fall marks my fourth year teaching and I finally feel like I've achieved a solid groove with my preparation. However, I have two classes this year (AM and PM five days/week), with sixteen and thirteen children respectively. That's 29 families, people, with the potential for a handful more if enrollment increases. Plus, since I'm new to the school, I'm learning the ins and outs of the environment and culture along with all of them. Needless to say, my type-A-ness is in overdrive right now and probably will be for the rest of the month. ('Cause oh yeah, we're also getting married at the end of September. Gulp!).

I'll be around this space, but definitely not regularly unless I magically become wonder woman.

Talk soon.

P.S. Before I forget, the point of this post was to show you the pint-sized, cherry-red lounge chairs I inherited. You can't see it too well, but I put a ladybug footstool in front of the chair on the left. Kind of amazing, if I do say so myself. Nothing more off the hook than a tricked out reading nook.

Aaaand with that feeble attempt at a rhyme, I'm over and out.


  1. good heavens, those lounge chairs have got to be the cutest things ever. i would blow them up and put them in my living room. :P

  2. Haha, nice rhymin! This month will be busy for you, wow...hang in there Kayla. Don't push yourself too hard-we can't do it all. We try though, I know...I'm the same way. xoxo

  3. woah my dear. youre getting married at the end of september? as in sept 2011? or sept 2012?? SO SOON!!! you just sent my type-A into overdrive too. sending lots of good karma your way.

  4. Wow, I wish you were my teacher and I wish my class room look that awesome when I was in school! Amazing job!

    - Sarah

  5. adorable, miss k! you are too cute.

    ps. I am moving to brooklyn oct 1st (and starting work in dumbo next week)- need to see you whenever your busy schedule allows!

  6. haha, how cute are those chairs? Everything pint-sized is adorable (unless you are a teacher and actually have to sit on those chairs. I don't have to tell you...)

    Busy Kayla! Is it too early to create a joint Christmas Break Countdown? :)

  7. girl, i hear ya! i feel like it's a crazy time of year, especially for teachers. not to mention a teacher getting married at the end of the month :)

  8. This post brings back the exact same memories of the new term from my own teaching days, they really can be crazy!

    Here's hoping that you can settle into routine once the kiddies arrive which is a little less manic.


  9. Thank God for teeny, tiny lounge chairs. I'm going to make this photo my desktop so when I'm losing my head at work, I have some miniatures to make me smile. I'll miss your face, but look forward to that wedding.


  10. I recognize "How Are You Peeling?" Such a cute book! My new favorite is "I'd Really Like to Eat a Child." Definitely worth checking out! I love your classroom setup! Adorable.

  11. I am so with you on this. Add to all the madness of the new school year my own two kids {and everything I need to get organized for them starting preschool and grade one} and I am collapsing into bed at night like a zombie!

    Here's hoping we settle into a happy, manageable routine sometime soon.

    Thank god it's almost the weekend!

    PS: I love those little red chairs. I NEED them in my classroom too!


  12. Wow, you are quite the busy bee right now! There's no use fighting it - embrace the chaos :-)

  13. oh man, preparing for the school year is so exhausting! and that first month, when you're training a whole new group of kiddies in the routines and procedures of school... well, i've never felt more tired in my entire life. well, maybe not until the month before our wedding when we planned everything. so basically what i'm saying is, i feel your exhaustion, i'm rooting for you, and try to take care of yourself amidst the madness. just think, come october and you'll be married! :)

  14. Wow! You really have a lot on your plate right now. You're getting married at the end of this month?? Or next year? The classroom is looking seriously good.

  15. Aww... it looks adorable! Love the ladybug stool. Your photo makes me wish I was a child in your class, ha! Good luck with everything, Kayla - I hope you don't get TOO stressed out and overwhelmed!!

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