21 September 2011

This is What a Stuffy Head Will Do To You

I'm only a slightly embarrassed by this post. It's all, whoa--there's my face in three places and then...nothing else. I'm blaming my sinuses.  I've been feeling all sorts of blah and yuck since Sunday night when I came down with a nasty little stinker of a cold. Unfortunately, it arrived at the most inopportune time ever, and I can't really take a day off unless the thermometer climbs above 99. So yeah. My eyes are red, my nose is clogged and my students think my voice sounds silly. Emergen-C for breakfast, Dayquil for lunch and whatever allows me to crawl into bed by 8 for dinner.

I've been wearing my (tired eye) glasses, which led to a strange moment on the train when I caught my reflection in the window and almost did a double take because I didn't recognize myself. Has this ever happened to you? It made me laugh, which made me cough, which made me sneeze. And then it was my stop, so I gulped a few breaths of fresh air before dragging my butt home for a date with the tissue box and a mug o' tea.


(Public service announcement: wash your hands, get plenty of sleep and avoid people like me).


  1. Feel better! (And cute pics!)


  2. Sinus infections are the worst. You should try one of those asian nose teapot thingys. You know what I'm talking about? I've never done it. It looks so creepy, but I hear good things about it =)

    - Sarah

  3. Oh, you poor thing! And at the very start of the year? Damn.

    You wouldn't be surprised at all if I told you that I also only wear my glasses when my eyes are tired, or that I don't recognize myself in them would you? Wait, does Tiho totally love them/tap on the glass? Or maybe that's just John. After all, there's no way they could also be soulmates, it would just be creepy.

  4. Aw, you are so cute (and beautiful)...this cracked me up. I have been caught off guard by my reflection while wearing glasses! I hope you are feeling a little better...sending hugs. xo

  5. Oh no - one of those nasty 'back-to-school' colds! I hope you are taking care of yourself and getting as much rest as you can. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Aw, I hope you feel better, soon. Your commentary made me laugh (totally relate to startling myself with my reflection before), but you look adorable!

  7. ick, hope you feel better asap! but seriously, you still look gorgeous :)

  8. i had a toothpick in my mouth when i read this post and nearly died choking on it when i started laughing at your laugh -> cough -> sneeze -> sequence. oh darling. im so sorry about the sickness. but hey, you look seriously hotttt in those glasses, and i encourage you to keep wearing them. onwards!

  9. You poor thing! This cold is really taking a toll on you, eh? You look adorable in the glasses though. I secretly always wished I wore glasses but my eyesight is too good.

  10. Sorry you are sick! But you're still hilarious! (My Mom always used to say that's a good sign if you're still funny) I have done that too where I don't recognize myself! Seriously LOL's about your laugh, cough, sneeze exit. ; ) Feel better! xo


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