26 September 2011

Scenes From The Weekend

Our weekend:

11 hours of sleep both nights.  Generous helpings of coffee + tea + treats. Shopping for fall "necessity" items (aka new slippers) and last minute wedding needs (shoes for T, spanx for me). Dinner at my aunt and uncle's house. Romantic poetry-reading session.* Lesson-planning. Picnicking with friends at the apple orchard.

I attempted to write more descriptive and cogent sentences, but my brain decided that was far too much effort at 10:30 pm on Sunday evening.

For now, I wish you all a very happy Monday. It's a 3-day work week for me, which would be fabulous if there wasn't so much that needed to be squeezed in. A lot of you asked for clarification: we are indeed heading to city hall to get married in three days. As in, Thursday.

Off I go, much to be done.  (Check back tomorrow for photos from the orchard).

*Poem pictured by William Carlos Williams

P.S. You can see another love poem in my recent guest post on Ashley's blog.


  1. EEK! Wedding countdown...SO excited for you both!! xo

  2. That poem is gorgeous. But not as gorgeous as you!

    Wedding on Thursday? Wheeee!!! So excited for you, Kayla!

    Look at all those exclamation marks. And it's only 8 o'clock on a Monday morning...

  3. Wow hurray for great sleep! BTW I love EVERY sing mug in these pics =)

    - Sarah

  4. That's so exciting! Your wedding date is exactly a month before mine (10/29/11). I hope its a beautiful day!!

  5. Wow! three days - so exciting! Love that snap of you drinking out of the (Anthro?) mug!

  6. Thursday!! Wow, that has come round quickly. I hope your week is good and exciting xx

  7. Thursday, Thursday, Thursday-is it weird how excited I am for you? I'm going with no unless you tell me otherwise.


  8. you are the cutest. soooo excited for you!!!

  9. Um, wow! Exciting week ahead!!

    I love your "Scenes from the Week-End" posts, but I have a feeling I'm going to love your après-Thursday post even more...

  10. your weekend sounds/looks perfect! and i'm glad you had some downtime, even if there is much to be done. just a few more days - eek! :)

  11. Oh my goooodness... I need to adopt some of your time management skills! You're amazing.. AND getting married AND have a weekend full of sleep & love! Seriously, whatever is in that cup - I need some of it!

  12. Just wanted to say that you take beautiful pictures and always make the simple things in life seem so amazing (i.e a cup of coffe in the morning). Anyways, keep doing what your doing and thanks for all your great posts, I love reading them :)

  13. Happy, happy wedding week Kayla - hope you get a chance to relax & enjoy a little!

    (Ps. Thanks for your sweet words on Friday too, they made my day.)


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