10 May 2011

A Sensorial Symphony

The title conveys what I cannot. (So much beauty, I could cry). Quite a few of these have turned now. The softness of pink into the vibrancy of green.

Side note: Several years ago, I was informed that I reminded someone of a "perpetually happy hot pink garden gnome fairy." It was meant as a compliment, but I am still pondering the deeper meanings embedded within, and how they have inadvertently affected me. It is true that I have an unabashed girlish side, and am usually quite cheerful, but it's the garden gnome part that leaves me wondering.


(all images my own)


  1. I think it's a compliment; perhaps they were referring to the comforting qualities of the gnome?!

    P.S. Purple and yellow...who knew it was such a knock-out combo!

  2. What beautiful flowers - spring has most definitely arrived! :)
    And I think it was meant as a compliment - optimistic, cheerful, girly, sweet...and I think the "garden gnome" is meant as a dash of fairy tale charm and whimsy (think of the garden gnome in Amelie!) :) Definitely a compliment! :)

  3. spring in new york is the best- enjoy it!

  4. I agree with Lillian- charming and whimsical. Definitely not short and bearded! ;)

    I could spend all weekend taking photos of flowers. This morning I was in the Starbucks drive-thru on my way to work, and there was the most gorgeous, bloomy pink cherry tree... I had to get out my cell phone and snap a photo of it against the blue sky. Sigh... It was absolute perfection!

  5. That was a compliment and I'd take it as such! Thanks for making me giggle though..

    Those flowers are just gorgeous and it's lovely to be surrounded by them!

  6. so beautiful. i can almost smell these flowers through your post.

    and you are adorable! so wish i could have a coffee date with you and your lovely cheerful self!

  7. hmm... 1.) are you unusually short? 2.) do you have pointy ears and/or a white beard? 3.) do you like to sit quietly in a garden wearing a red hat whilst remaining perfectly still even though people get the eery feeling you're alive? 4.) do you like popping up randomly in photos from people's vacations?

    if you answered yes to any of these, i would say you are probably a garden gnome. i hope that helps.

    ps - gorgeous photos!!! i love big flowery trees & bushes.

  8. Hi! well i would take that as a complement! Oh and the pics are great! x

  9. These photos are absolutely magnificent-thank you for sharing a little New Jersey spring with me here in the Bay! As for the garden gnome, I think it's just because you can't resist the great outdoors!

  10. Definitely a compliment, I would forget the gnome part - though gnome fairy might mean something different. You're lucky to be surrounded by all that beauty, we are freezing!

  11. oh so much goodness! except I can't help but want to sneeze. Spring has never been good to my nose, but my eyes sure love it!

  12. So much beauty! Wow.. lovely photos, Kayla!

    Hmm... what a compliment! Not quite sure I know what she meant either other than perhaps she thinks you'd be a wonderful gardener or know how to be one with nature?

  13. I love that I think it's cute! : ) Probably not something you have to overthink, but just a sweet way of saying your a happy person to be around!

    I love your title for this post and have to admit i reread it in my head a few times. : )


  14. That someone seems to have gotten you quite right, from what I've seen at least. The way you write even -- there's always a smile in your voice. It's fantastic.


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.