19 April 2011

After the Rain

We all know the age-old saying, "April showers bring May flowers." It's one of my favorite seasonal quips. I happen to like the rain, especially in the springtime when its presence creates a glistening halo on all of the materializing buds. But, like anything, too much of it can become unfavorable. In the midst of the cold gray drizzle on Saturday, as I sat down at my kitchen table with my head in my hands, I realized how applicable the aforementioned adage is right now. In exactly two weeks, I'll submit my not-yet-finished Master's thesis. Before that date, I'll also complete three papers, two projects, attend several meetings and commence parent-teacher conferences. While the rest of my April seems daunting, and at times, nearly impossible, I know that come May, it is done. All of it. Just like that, I'll be able to savor those glorious flowers emerging from the rain.

(Clockwise from top left: Mountain Bouquet Print, Folk Art Card Set, Nantucket Cobalt Tablescape, Cloisonne Drop Earrings)


  1. I remember thats the best feeling, after everytjing is done and over. Its like realizing the meaning of life again and being free!

  2. I wish we were on the semester system here so I'd be closer to finishing. Sadly, I'll be going with school until mid-June. And after that, I'll need to work on my thesis. There's just no time right now.

  3. You'll get there! You can do it!!!! I believe in you!

  4. Good luck and go you, yey! Nearly there..

  5. May will be that much sweeter for you after all your hard work!! I'm also looking forward to May and all it's beauty :)

  6. Go Kayla! You can kick this month's butt, and you're going to come out on the other end a huge success! I hope Tiho will bring home a gorgeous bouquet like that one come May!

  7. Wow, that's some list! Love your positivity! Good luck with all of it, Kayla! : ) I think America is getting all the rain, because I've hardly seen any here!


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