21 January 2011

Better Late Than Never Blinks

A few happy blinks (blog links) to kick off your weekend:

This snapshot of a Parisian garden makes me long for Spring (by Miss Moss)

 I once went through a phase where I tied a ribbon bow around my ponytail every day. I think I'm revisiting that phase now. (spotted on La Petite Choue)

 So true. I love this quote and the pretty illustration. (via Automatism)

I wish I could afford these curtains. They would match my house perfectly. (spotted on Design is Mine)

 I've been searching high & low for the perfect slouchy winter hat and I think I may have found a winner. (via Lake Jane)

I want to get lost in this "coming up roses" inspiration board compiled by Kathryn of Snippet & Ink

...and in this wedding. Wow. (also via Snippet & Ink)

 On the shopping list for next winter: a colorful striped blanket (image spotted on Kelly McCaleb)

 This house tour. So lovely.

How beautiful are these fabric floral blooms by Petal & Print? A cost effective way to incorporate "forever flowers" in your wedding! Discovered on Elephantine

Those of you who follow me on Twitter might know that I am suffering from a awful stomach virus right now. I won't go into too many gory details, but let's just say that since arriving home at 5:30pm yesterday, my face and the toilet bowl have become best friends. Not so fun. After a night I wouldn't wish on anyone, I finally fell asleep this morning for a few hours. Now, I am tentatively sipping Gatorade and chewing ice chips; No throw-up bowl needed anymore...I'm hoping.

I started compiling this week's blinks a couple of days ago, so I figured I'd publish it (maybe this indicates an unhealthy obsession with this space?).

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. I don't think I'll be moving too far from my couch, but hey, all the more reason to catch up on blog reading and empty the queue of my DVR. Hugs!


  1. Oh no, Kayla! That's awful. I had the exact same nasty, nasty stomach bug in late December, and Gatorade was the only thing I could keep down... Bright blue Gatorade. Gross! Anyway, hope you are feeling a lot better this weekend. Stay snug and cozy, and enjoy the blog reading, movie-watching and recuperating.

    PS: I love that hat.

  2. oh no -- so sorry to hear that you've been sick! I hope you get better as quickly as possible and have a relaxing weekend. a big hug to you!

  3. OH bummer, Kayla! I hope you're feeling better. Yes - blogs and couch time! Love your blinks, as usual : ) xoxo

  4. as always I love your blinks! that wedding is GORGEOUS and that fabric flower is amazing and might just need to make an appearance at our wedding! I hope you are feeling better!! :( stomach bugs are the ABSOLUTE worst, so I hope it passes quickly.

  5. thanks, everyone! I'm still woozy but feeling better.

  6. those curtains!!!! what stunning fabric. and i also went through the ribbon in the hair phase. oh man. we'd also use them as headbands kind of--and then tie a bow on the side :)

  7. Kayla great images links and...

    to brighten your day....

    Come and join my Gorgeous Giveaway from Blydesign!

    Art by Karena


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