15 November 2010

Scenes From The Weekend (And an Annoucement)

Hiya Monday. Before I plunge into the week ahead, here's a look at what just concluded:

-School was closed for students on Friday so our faculty could attend the Wonderplay Early Childhood Learning Conference. Photos 1-6 were taken at a nearby nursery school where I participated in a special afternoon session on using natural materials in the classroom. It was one of the most stunningly beautiful spaces I've ever been in. We were allowed to take some materials, and I picked those rainbow wooden spools.

-I people-watched on Columbia's campus before leaving the city (one of my favorite things to do) and contemplated going for a second masters (ha ha ha. That's funny, especially considering I then spent much of Sunday moaning and groaning while writing papers).

-It's hard to believe that the winter holidays are just a few weeks away when the trees in my neighborhood are still singing in color. On Saturday afternoon we walked to the park and drove with the windows down because the weather was so perfect.

-Though that didn't hold me back from welcoming the comfort food of winter (broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl) for lunch.

 -But, most importantly, Tiho and I attended the LLS Team in Training kick-off celebration bright and early on Saturday morning. That's right, folks. Papers have been signed, gear has been purchased and a nifty fund-raising website has been set up because on May 1, 2011, we are running the NJ Marathon. Oh and we're pledging to raise $4,000 dollars ($2,000 each) for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as members of Team in Training (TNT).

That's my big announcement. We went to an information session last Tuesday night and impulsively decided to commit. It became official on Saturday when we met our training coaches and teammates. I am excited and terrified and 100% certain that this will be both the hardest and best thing I've ever done. I can't wait to share more, and I will, once training begins, our website goes up, and I find the time to write more comprehensive and cogent sentences about it all.

Our first run is tomorrow (a 2-miler). Which is, by the way, the most I've ever run without stopping.

So yeah, I think it's safe to assume that I am no less than bat shit crazy.


  1. Wow, congrats on your marathon plans! I am not a runner, and therefore think you're a bit crazy..haha. No seriously, I envy you. Good luck!

  2. woohoo! congrats, that's exciting news! every year i watch the boston marathon and am in awe of the runners. it's a dream of mine to run it. good luck with all of the training. you're going to do great!

  3. Oh wow!! Good for you guys, I am so impressed!! Good luck with the training and fund raising, I can't wait to hear about your progress.
    This is so exciting! Some of the best experiences in life are the ones that sound crazy, I hope that proves true for you both!

  4. Good luck with your first run! I try to run 3 miles every few days but it's slipped a lot recently - need to get back into it!

  5. yay, good for you, kayla! that's awesome. I hope your training goes well. just think of all of us cheering you on!

  6. You might be a touch bat shit, but this is AMAZING! I am so proud I have a blog friend who is such a generous spirit, and you're going to be one tough girl when it's all done! Cannot WAIT to hear how the first run goes!

  7. Great, Kayla! Wish all of us here could somehow line up and cheer for you on that day! If I were a runner, I would have done the NYC marathon by now....
    You have a great cause. Good luck!

  8. Nice one on the marathon plans. Good luck with the training!

  9. You guys are all amazing, thank you for the positivity and well wishes. I already feel more confident just thinking about my virtual cheerleaders. Big hugs all around.

  10. Oh congrats!! What a fun thing for the two of you to do together! I know you can do it :o)

  11. that is super exciting news! I ran the San Francisco Marathon 2 years ago and ran for the aids foundation, it was a wonderful experience and running with a team was so inspiring and motivating. Please update us when you start your fundraising, I am sure you will get lots of love from your readers/friends :) I was SO bad at the asking for money part, i think half of my donation was from my own bank account ;)
    look forward to your marathon stories!


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