13 September 2010

Scenes From The Weekend

Well hello, Monday. You're not so bad after an enjoyable weekend.

Friday evening found us wandering through an antique car show in our town center and sharing a late Thai dinner. (I'll post photos from the car show later today). We slept in on Saturday, and spent the afternoon in town, running some errands and soaking up the beautiful weather. T bought the new iPhone 4 (of which I've also been enjoying for the fun apps and higher quality camera lens).

On Saturday night, we headed into Manhattan for a date night, where I happily strolled in my oldest pair of cowboy boots (I love boots) and broke in my shiny new bling (the watch was a birthday gift from T). We had dinner at Max Brenner, one of our favorite restaurants, and then caught a viewing of The Romantics. Imagine our surprise when we took our seats in the movie theater and found ourselves face to face with both the director of the movie and Katie Holmes! They were there to personally introduce the film and answer a few questions, since it was a limited release opening. (We saw it at Union Square Cinemas, the only NYC theater where it was playing). I couldn't get any decent photos of her (too dark), but both Miss Holmes and the film were quite charming. It was a fun surprise and once again, reminded me how much I adore this city.

Sunday was cool and rainy, which set the scene for football watching and buffalo-wing eating. (Well, I caught up on blog-reading and ate whatever yumminess T kept bringing in from the kitchen). 

All in all, another one for the books. How was your weekend? Any other surprise celebrity encounters out there?


  1. I love that yellow car, its gorgeous! Your weekend sounds smashing, and that is exactly why I love London too - so many random gems and encounters to be had.

  2. Three things:

    1. Those blooms are beautiful.

    2. You rock a pair of cowboy boots with ease.

    3. That yellow car is made for a colour addict like me.

    Oh, screw it, let's make it four.

    4. Your blog rocks my socks off!

  3. what a fabulous surprise!! Wish the movie had been showing while I was stateside, but definitely catching it when I can. Sounds like a lovely weekend, and much better than my 20 something hour trip home.

  4. Have you read the book (the Romantics, that is)? I read it recently, and I'm not sure if I'll adore it or not!

  5. Elizabeth-I miss London--achingly so sometimes--and I've only been there once (over two years ago)! I think it reminds me of New York just with way better accents ;)

    Will-you make my day! really, you do.

    Ashley-glad you got home safe! And what are you talking about lady, your recent news tops it all :)

    Lena-let's chat. The film was charming, but kind of irritating as well because I didn't particularly like or relate to any of the characters. It depends what you're seeking in a film, I think. Really, meeting Miss Holmes was the best part about it all, ha.


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