18 July 2010

Thought of the Week

"Sundays Are For Lovers is an exploration in four parts: eat, rest, laugh, love. There is a particular tenor to a Sunday... there's laziness, cooking breakfast, comfy-clothes, time spent in bed, wandering the neighborhood, sitting in a café, house-work, yard-work, making out, art projects, meeting friends at the pub, a last chance to get shit done before the work-week begins and then of course the end of something ... the beginning of something."

Sundays Are For Lovers is the newest release from Lines & Shapes and features various artists in a wide range of media. I just finished reading through it and couldn't resist filling out my own answers to the questions posed to each contributor of the book:

My home base: Ridgewood, NJ & New York, NY
Day to day I work as: a teacher (and aspiring children's writer)
If I didn't do this I would: write full-time, perform, open a small cafe, design, (be fully involved in some form of creative endeavor), travel the world taking pictures
Next year I will travel to: Bulgaria (!)
To me Sunday means: a slower pace
And I like to eat: a hearty brunch with coffee
And I will get out of bed: around 9:30am
And get dressed around: when (if) I leave the house
And I will smile about: new discoveries and birds singing
And I just may daydream about: the future
And when Monday comes: I'll be refreshed and mostly prepared

What does Sunday mean to you?


  1. I love Sundays. There's something about it that is quite unlike any other day. Maybe it stems from the 'day of rest' mentality, but everything really does slow down, its liking gliding through honey.


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.