05 February 2010

1,000 Awesome Things

Perhaps it is because I am freakishly happy all.of.the.time, or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I delight in reminiscing about life's small pleasures--whatever the reason--let it be known that 1,000 Awesome Things really rocks my socks off.

1000 Awesome Things is just a time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things, according to the blog author, Neil Pasricha. The list includes the following (plus hundreds more, all with descriptions):

Popping bubble wrap; Getting a trucker to blow his horn; Terrible businesses run by children; Opening and sniffing a pack of tennis balls; Using all of the shampoos and soaps in someone else's shower; That one email account you use for all your spam; When the guy at the deli counter gives you a free taste...

He's only about halfway through the countdown, so this baby is going to be around & updated for quite awhile (hooray!)

...AND(!) Neil got a book deal from the blog's popularity. The Book of Awesome is due out in April of this year. According to the website, "The Book of Awesome isn’t about one man’s favorite things, but rather a catalog of the universal little pleasures we all share. With its focus on the many things that bring us together rather than the few things that split us apart, it’s a book that will appeal to people from all walks of life — housewives and college kids, children and senior citizens alike."

I am obsessed.

1 comment:

Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.