29 April 2014

April 2014 Self-Portrait: Play Time

I'm not sure what it is about this portrait, but I feel like it conveys my spirit in a particularly truthful way.

Do you ever think about your "magic age?" For me, it's 28. When I was a kid, I always tried to imagine myself at 28. I envisioned pencil skirts and pointy black stilettos and long hair I'd twist back in a loose bun. I played with Barbies frequently throughout elementary school, concocting elaborate scenarios detailing my wedding, marriage, career, and motherhood.

I find it both amusing and wistful to reflect on the inner workings of my seven-year-old mind.

Pretend play defined my childhood. Books, dress-up, blocks, drawing: it all manifested into imaginary role play. From princess to dragon-slayer, actress to orphan, chef to astronaut, I experienced each guise over and over (and over) again.

I feel strongly about nurturing imagination in my students. It's why I teach at the pre-K level. In some weird way, I feel like I am still able to think like they do, which is why going to work every day doesn't feel like work at all.

In a few months, I'll turn 28. I own a single pair of stilettos (they hurt), and the last time I wore a pencil skirt, I was 21 and on my first real job interview. It's true that I often throw my hair back in a loose bun, but I assure you, it's way more "Ms. Frizzle" than "Vogue-chic."

I don't know what 28 will be. I still don't know what 27 is.

I only know I want to keep playing.


  1. I laughed aloud at Ms. Frizzle. You so fahhhnny sista. I think my magic age is 25-or maybe I'm projecting because that's my next one :)

    1. funny, because I always think your magic age is 12 ;)

  2. It is a great self-portrait! You are one truly beautiful soul. I've been reading your blog for a while now, not truly sure how I came across it, but I keep coming back, because you seem like a very honest, happy, overall good person. And in some ways you remind me of myself back when I was 28. Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you so much, Jen. That means a lot to me!

  3. Luurrrve this shot of you.I think this is the only year you'll be half my age and next year you'll be half your mom's.Don't know what that means. Do know that you always pique my brain with your writing. And my all-time favorite children's book was written by you...a blank book entitled " Your Imagination Inside." Precious,precocious and quintessentially you.

    1. Thanks, dad! One of my most treasured personal possessions is the box of artwork and memorabilia saved by you from my childhood. It's fun to think about how my brain worked as a kid.


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