23 January 2012

Scenes From The Weekend

Tiho and I drove to Boston right after work on Friday to spend twenty-four hours with my dad and grandparents. We woke up to a six-inch blanket of snow on Saturday morning, which made the day feel extra cozy and special. Winter finally came.

I spent most of my Saturday stalking a cardinal on the bird feeder hanging just outside of my grandmother's dining room window. Mesmerizing! I also ate a lot of chocolate chip cookies and drank tea out of a speckled floral mug.

My mom is back in the states for a couple of weeks, so my sister trekked out to our place for a visit on Sunday afternoon. It's been a weekend filled with family, nature and a healthy dose of nostalgia.

Feels good.


  1. Oh wow, so much snow!!! Envy!!! Kayla, I must admit, I am growing accustomed to your 'Scenes From The Weekend'. It's a pleasure every Monday! Have a happy week, Igor xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Igor! It's fun for me to wind down on Sunday nights compiling my photos and words, so it makes me happy you enjoy :)

  2. beautiful! I love waking up to a fresh blanket of snow.

  3. What a perfect, still weekend. I miss the snow, and while a whole 4 days of rain was exciting, it wasn't a blanket of white!

  4. We still haven't gotten that much snow! Sounds like a good kind of weekend.

  5. Lovely weekend. The photo of the window curtain is particularly dreamy.

  6. sounds like a lovely weekend. Love the first photo & wonderful shots of the cardinal

  7. That first photo is exquisitely beautiful. I wish I could pull it inside of me and feel that serene again. And the cardinals in the snow! That's a perfect reminder of how I missed the East Coast.


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