26 May 2011


This is what often happens to me. I'll be experiencing a less than stellar week and then pause for an extra second while immersed in a routine activity (in this case, swiping my metrocard) and notice something exceptional. Not all metrocards have messages on the back. I'm sure it's part of some NYC transportation campaign that I am unaware of, but regardless, I find it phenomenal.

Despite the bees (still here), the mile-long to-do list, the disbelief and accompanying mixed emotions about the fact that the end of the school year is just two weeks away (what?), I am reminded that everything is going to be okay. And if it's not (because let's be real, sometimes things aren't), I will be.

Oh, and today I am officially awarded my Master's degree. My cap and gown has a pretty royal blue & yellow hood. And it's a long weekend. And it's slated to be in the 80's and sunny. And we have picnic plans with friends. Huzzuh!

Have a great weekend. Stay optimistic.

*I'm planning to catch up on my blog reading soon. I'm grossly behind but am thinking about all of you. Big hugs.


  1. it sounds like there are so many great things happening for you, despite the bees and the sadness which comes at the end of each school year {bah!}. i hope you have the most amazing long weekend!

  2. Happy, happy long weekend to you, Kayla! Hope the bees buzz off and everything goes your way. Sunshine and a picnic sound like a fabulous way to celebrate earning your master's degree!

    PS: I think that metrocard is AWESOME.

  3. You're gonna do just great, my friend. Whatever happens, even if things do go a little crazy (even more than Bee crazy) you'll pull through. Chin up, crack a smile and order an extra large chocolate chip cookie with your coffee on tomorrow morning's commute. It's Friday after all.

    Have a lovely long weekend. xo

  4. Wow, what a big day for you! Sometimes life feels overwhelming, but yes, optimism can get us all through almost anything. Sending love your way!

  5. I think optimism is one of the secrets of leading a happy life :) And yay for your Master's degree! I hope you have a most fabulous long weekend.

    p.s. since you asked -- my wedding IS on a monday! we picked that day because it's our anniversary, but I like it's a little unusual, too.

  6. Darling, what a wonderful/tough week. Thank goodness for optimism, and metrocards that remind you to keep it up!

    PS-I'm pretty sure we were meant to be friends, too.


  7. Well, that's awesome! My brother had to buy a new travel card (he lives in London) a couple weeks ago and it just so happened to be around the royal wedding time and he got a limited addition one with William and Kate on it, ha!

  8. omg that is awesome!! Congratulations. I just found your blog and it is wonderful. I know bees can be annoying but they are absolutely essential for our futures so when bees are pissing me off big style and annoying my happiness I try to remember that they are necessary! For without bees there would be no pollination or honey. And without pollination we would have very different crops!

  9. Congrats on officially having your masters degree now. That's fantastic! And I do love the subtle messages the world tosses your way -- usually just when you need them. Even if they are on the back of a Metrocard. Have an incredible (and long) weekend, Kayla!

  10. So sorry about the bee situation, I cannot imagine. Proud of you for finding this sneaky bit of encouragement - amazing!

    Congrats on your Master's! That's such an amazing accomplishment!!

  11. chin up my darling! and congratulations on getting your masters! You surely worked so hard and should be so so proud! Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  12. congratulations my dearest!! or should i say master? :)


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