29 April 2011

Introducing: Exquisite Banana Junior!

I am thrilled to announce a special side project I've been working on...Exquisite Banana Junior! As a preschool teacher and aspiring children's writer (currently finishing up my first manuscript), I've been itching to create a child-centered extension of this site for a long time. I'll be posting about a variety of things over there; books, toys, games, arts & crafts, design inspiration, snapshots and stories from my classroom; essentially, all kids, all the time. Whether you're a teacher, a mama, or a fellow lover of children, I hope you'll follow along as I share my kid-related treasures and inspirations.

P.S. You may have noticed I gave this blog a bit of a makeover. Or really, a make-under. De-cluttered. Streamlined. Simplified. And no more strange green box around the header. Hallelujah!

Have a wonderful weekend...see you back here next week (when I'll be done with graduate school. and celebrating.)


  1. you're adorable. good luck in the last week! how exciting, i'm celebrating for you!

  2. Fantastic, I'm looking forward to seeing all your great finds. And your blog looks great, too.

  3. Congratulations Kayla! Look forward to reading it. :)

  4. yaaay I love this idea. We are big on reading over here so let us know when your books is ready. Thanks for sharing =)

    - Sarah

  5. Yay for your new site and for this new blog look! And HUGE congrats on grad school!

  6. Eek!!! How wonderful, darling! I can't wait to "see" you and your wonderful new project after you've emerged from your grad school cocoon!


  7. Kayla, this is wonderful!! I'm so wildly excited for you. I'm sure you'll go places with both of these blogs! Have a great weekend, darling!

  8. Woohoo! More is better in this case and I can't wait to see and share your new project! I especially love that you called it junior. Very cute!

    P.S. Love the streamlined look!

  9. Congratulations, Kayla! To be finishing grad school... wow! And I love the idea of Exquisite Banana Jr. I might be teaching kindergarten next year, so you can count on me being a regular visitor!

    Happy Weekend, xo

  10. Amazing, Kayla. This is such a great idea.

  11. I was sitting here waiting for the rest of your site to load, wondering what was taking so long, ha! It feels like you did a nice spring cleaning of your blog!
    And I'm so excited for your new blog. Heading on over to check it out just as soon as I send this!

  12. congrats kayla! this fellow preschool teacher and lover of children's books is looking forward to all your findings! -jessica


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