02 March 2011

So Close

Okay, Studio Choo. Thank you for torturing me. Now I can't stop thinking about spring and color and flowers and songbirds and daydreaming under a cloudless sky surrounded by swirls of coral, tangerine, magenta and plum.

A few weeks more. I can taste it, and it's sending me into an anticipatory tizzy!

(all images via Studio Choo's flickr stream...notice how the selection of arrangements gets lighter and lighter. Purposeful, people).


  1. These are all so beautiful. I have to say, I'm one of the lucky ones who can head to a farmer's market this weekend and put a bouquet like these together. Spring is spreading though!

  2. Wow, gorgeous!! I adore bright colored bouquets like these - and it really has me so ready for springtime! :)

  3. I cannot wait for spring to get here! These flowers are beautiful! :)

  4. Wow, those are AMAZING. I'm dying for some fresh flowers on my kitchen table!

    Freckles in April | a modest clothing blog

  5. ooooh i can't wait to have huge, ruffly peonies in the house again. these arrangements are gorgeous!

  6. i love these guys. they opened a little shop a mere two blocks from my house in san francisco. it was just gorgeous! the mister still brings me pretty flowers, even though we moved far away. today we have big blue irises on our table. i love fresh flowers so much!

  7. Sigh.. Peonies, ranunculus... my faaav

  8. How gorgeous! The colors, the full blooms-I'm in heaven! How I've missed you, darling!

    xo, Lena

  9. Oh my, these are exquisite. Spring is so close, indeed!

  10. Wow, these arrangements are so bright!! I feel like they are screaming "Spring, Spring!!" I love it ;)

    Follow me at:

  11. Fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table might be just the thing I need to help me out of this slump. I feel blah and grumpy and really out-of-sorts. Sigh... Think I'll stop by the shops on the way home from work tomorrow and treat myself...

  12. these are gorgeous! I was so excited when I saw ranunculus at the market, which means spring is a coming!

  13. omg these are like my dream bouquets!

  14. Those are truly special arrangements.

  15. so happy everyone enjoyed their prettiness. thanks for the sweet comments!

  16. Gorgeous flowers! You're right, those colors just sing out loud "spring"! Just a few more weeks...

  17. Geez! These are unreal!

    I'd like one in every room please..


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