07 March 2011

Scenes From The Weekend

 (pot of tea to last an afternoon) 

 (movie-watching, Friday night)

 (Saturday morning breakfast scene)


 (Where I often sit, sipping my coffee, watching the neighborhood wake up) 



 (my love, organizing office supplies)

(daisies in blue)

The weekend left me feeling relaxed and renewed, and for that, I am grateful.

Saturday included a beautiful early afternoon run around the duck pond, followed by an impromptu trip to the library. A little bit of household organizing and assorted projects were attended to before I tested my luck at baking homemade bread late in the afternoon: I succeeded, it was incredible, and we ate the entire loaf for dinner, accompanied by sweet cream butter and assorted meats and cheeses. (No photos were taken, but I will be turning this into a regular weekend routine). We also watched two documentaries, including Freakonomics, which mirrored the book and made for some excellent late-night introspection.

We woke up to rain on Sunday, and spent the day balancing work with rest. I filed my taxes, read, and made headway on my teaching portfolio. There's something incredibly calming and cozy about a Sunday rain.

As these final days of winter give way to spring, I'm enjoying the sense of possibility that seems to be permeating. The coming weeks will be busy, but I feel ready. Things are good.

How's life treating you, my sweet readers?


  1. I love, love, love that you also consider bread, butter, cheese and meat a meal, and that you'd munch on it while watching documentaries. I knew there was a reason (or 100) that I adored you so much!

    Glad the weekend treated you well, love!

    xo, Lena

  2. Bring on spring! Love the teapot and your morning, tea-drinking nook!

  3. that teapot is so beautiful! i've always wanted a bright blue one like that. someday...

    i hope your week is just as lovely as your weekend!

  4. More beautiful photos and such an adorable photo of you! Right now, I'm trying to focus on getting through the next two weeks -- this week is the final week of classes for the quarter and next week is finals week. I have lots of papers to grade and two to write myself, so I'm hoping I just make it through. The following week I think I'm going to try and have a spa day.

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend Kayla! Also there's a surprise over on my blog for you ;)

  6. i love that grapefruit shot! and i totally agree...Sunday rain is really so cozy. this week is going to be a good one i think :) xo.

  7. This sounds like a superb weekend. Big Saturday morning breakfasts are a must in our house and I love your presentation (the blue and green!!). Documentary, excellent, and baking bread sounds amazing! It's one of my goals so you may have to share tips ; ) Hope you're having a great start to your week Kayla! xo

  8. I am so ready for spring, and whenever the sun shines it just fills me with so much hope! It should get even better this weekend when daylight savings time begins and we have longer, lighter evenings. I'm looking forward to not having to run in the dark anymore!

    I love the scenes from your weekend. Every weekend.

  9. Hey lady! Your pictures look fantastic! How is it that it always looks so bright and cheerful in your apartment? Also, sorry but your grapefruit looks sad and bitter. But you, look just the opposite!

    I took a picture of my smashed mirror that I re-hung on my wall... and thought of you. check it out: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/onRf_J3caf7Gn7I2gLtTLg?feat=directlink

    I think I like it better like this!

    Also, congrats on your blog, I'm still trying to figure out how to get readers! : ) Kudos!

  10. Amanda, your comment just made me giggle! The grapefruit does indeed look a little sad. But it tasted delicious and sweet. And I gotta admit, I love imperfection. Thank you for the sweet words: I am delighted by my readers...and so I try to provide delight for them!

    Everyone, thank you for your comments, especially on these weekend posts. My weekends make me happy and I am glad to share that happiness with you!

  11. homemade bread is the BEST! and I love Sunday rain :)


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