29 December 2010

An Anniversary

Today marks the one year anniversary of creating this blog. A blogiversary? Oh my little blog. I love you.  Happy 1st birthday.

Never in a million years did I think Exquisite Banana would become such a huge part of my life. It's kind of crazy, actually. It started as a way to catalog all of the random bits I found interesting and has since morphed into so much more. Wow. This space has introduced me to incredible people, stories, inspirations and ideas. It feels a little strange to be getting emotional over a blog, but I am. It means a lot to me and I am proud of it.

Thank you, all of you, for reading. I can't wait to see where the next 365 days take us.



  1. Congratulations! I recently stumbled across your blog from some other blog I stumbled across too. You are a very creative person and you have put a lot of work into your blog - I enjoy perusing your ideas. I put your blog on "follow".

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! It has been great getting to "know" you...I will continue to enjoy reading!

  3. Elizabeth, thank you for the sweet words. I am so happy you are here and look forward to building a relationship over the coming weeks. I appreciate all of my followers more than I can say :)

    Susan, thank you and same to you, my dear! I was actually just thinking about when you and I "met" and I couldn't remember...it's fuzzy! Do you remember? ha.

  4. And what a grand blogging year it has been - bravo! Roll on 2011! Can't wait, K! x

  5. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy reading it. It brings a little sunshine and happiness to my day. Keep up the great work! :)

  6. Kayla!
    We are so honored to be part of your blog-roll!! Thank you so much - we look forward to keeping up with your sweet little blog, too :) Happy first anniversary! I hope you celebrated properly, with cupcakes and champagne... Keep up the good work!

  7. congrats on your one year with the blog, kayla! I know exactly how you feel. Definitely an exciting milestone.

    Looking forward to more great posts from you in the next year.

  8. Oh darling, a very, very happy blogiversary! Your banana is one of my favorite little corners of the interwebs, and is always a delight!

  9. Will, ditto, love! Thank you for *always* being so supportive :)

    Jonelle, thank you my friend! I hope life is treating you well these days.

    Caroline, it's been so fun getting to "know" you this year. Looking forward to all to come!

    Molly, you are so welcome! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and it became an instant favorite.

    Linda, same to you, dear! I love your blog and all of your beautiful designs and finds.

    Lena, you are wonderful! Something tells me we are destined to meet in person some day...

    Jes, I love your blog(s) too! It was one of the first I ever read and have been following religiously ever since :)

  10. Isn't it funny that that is how it happened for the majority of us bloggers? Happy one-year! So glad I discovered you and made a new friend!

  11. Colleen, same to you m'dear! One of my very first blog friends :)


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