29 November 2010

Scenes From (A Thanksgiving) Weekend

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." -Marcus Aurelius

I am so lucky to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, thoughts in my brain, clothes on my back, books on my shelf, and loved ones to share it with. This time of the year is special and spiritual for me (and for many of you, I'm sure). I always think of Thanksgiving as the initiation of the magical season.

This weekend's magic:
(corresponding to the images above)

-Rediscovering my favorite red knit hat and sporting it during a Black Friday afternoon outing (mostly walking and laughing and window-shopping)

-Yellow freesia on my nightstand. That scent!

-Morning coffee in my Finnflower china

-Homemade dessert: blueberry pie, chocolate swirl cheesecake, mini pumpkin pies

-Family preparing the meal in my kitchen

-My simple blue & white Thanksgiving table scape

-Table filled with home-cooked Thanksgiving dishes: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green beans, rolls. (Not pictured: baked brie and stuffed mushroom appetizers)

-Winning three rounds of bananagrams during the obligatory rest period following Thanksgiving dinner

-Ten pound turkey (purchased from a local organic poultry farm)

-Spending all day Saturday at my uncle & aunt's beautiful home with my young cousins and having 3-year-old Nell cradle my face in her little hands and say "I really really love you." (The equally as sweet six-year-old Tess is pictured)

Not captured: going on two runs (a 3-miler and a 4-miler), seeing the surprisingly touching film Love & Other Drugs, drinking wine while writing a graduate paper, and sleeping in past nine every morning.

So tell me, how did your magic unfold?


  1. Hi sweetie!

    I couldn't agree with you more. I surprised T with a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday evening when he returned from work. I decorated our apartment, popped on the festive tunes, burned the scented candles and then we properly pigged out! We've not decided to make it a yearly event as we both think it's a great holiday to, well, say thanks.

    Pssst. A little secret for you. This is fast becoming my favourite post I read in blogland each and every week.

  2. I picked up "bananagrams" as a stocking stuffer for the manpiece over the weekend, and I CANNOT WAIT to play! You'll have to join us (for game time & vino, naturally) once we figure it out :)

  3. i LOVE bananagrams!

    looks like a great weekend for you. =)

  4. looks like a LOVELY long weekend! and sounds like your first time hosting the holiday went great :)

  5. What an absolutely magical weekend! I'm so glad you got to spend time with your wonderful family, and that red hat is such a terrific discovery!

    As for sleeping in past 9 every morning, I'm envious-most morning we were up well before 8! John just can't stay still long enough!

  6. And it's true-we really do gravitate towards all the same things! It's why I love reading your blog so much!

  7. Will, I adore you, my sweet friend :)

    Kaitlyn, Um yeah! Just name the date and we're game.

    Linda, have you played the other games in the series? I haven't but am so intrigued.

    ashley, couldn't have asked for it to go smoother. no burned food or broken glass ;)

    Lena, keep that man in bed! may I suggest lots of morning nuzzling and some good old-fashioned quality spooning? ;)

  8. love all these pictures my dear :) thanksgiving is totally magical--ours was filled with lots o pie and love! so glad to hear yours was cozy and wonderful as well.


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