10 November 2010

BlogNog! [Gratitude Books]

When Liz Stanley of Say Yes to Hoboken fame emailed to invite me to participate in her BlogNog Holiday Series, I just about did a back flip. Come see my Thanksgiving-inspired contribution right here!

A gigantic "thank you!" to Liz for having me.


  1. How adorable-I love, love, love this idea! Now only John had decided that our Thanksgiving should just be the two of us!

  2. I love the brown paper journals you used! what a sweet idea.

  3. Lena-you could still do it! A lover's book of gratitude...ignite some steaminess ;)

    Alli-thank you, that means a lot coming from you and your impeccable eye.


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.