12 August 2010

Let's Network

I've had a twitter account since February and up until quite recently, only used it to stalk other bloggers. Seriously, I never ever tweeted anything and just read through the feeds. I think I needed a few months to feel it out and you know, figure out what #ff and RT meant.

Well, I finally got my act together and tweet regularly now. I know, huge post-worthy news here ;-)

I am proud to say that my own twitter following has grown from 12 to a mighty 35 people in the past several weeks of being active and I'd love for you to come along for the ride if you do the twitter thang. You can follow me here. (@Exquisitebanana). I also added the link to my right sidebar in case you need a few hours to mull this over. I don't blame you, 'cause I am a little wacky. You gotta know what you're getting into.

The random photos of my lower half were taken (with the self-timer) to show off my new pajama shorts from Old Navy (and my bronzed bod, clearly). I did a little dance for you and everything. I bought each pair for a whopping $3 earlier this week. Oh how I love me a bargain. Somehow, they seemed fitting for this post. See what I mean about wackiness? I warned you...


  1. Heehee....Kayla, you make me laugh!

  2. "I did a little dance for you and everything" hahaha youre adorable!

  3. ha ha - i understand what you mean about twitter - took awhile to figure out the lingo! thx for your comment today :)

  4. I'm glad I amuse, ladies :) I can't take myself too seriously on here.


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