22 July 2010

Glamour Shots, From Me-To You

If you don't yet follow From Me-To You, I encourage you to hurry over and do so immediately. Jamie Beck is a photographer living in NYC and her work is probably among my favorite on the internet. Everything she photographs is breath-taking, but today I am particularly enamored with these recent glamour shots inspired by Mad Men, cherry red lipstick, and Harlem Jazz, respectively. If I ever get around to having updated head shots taken, I know exactly who I'm going to book...

The last image is Jamie in a photo shoot celebrating her blog birthday. Isn't she such a doll? Talented and gorgeous!


  1. Cute!! I love her blog, how fun for her birthday too! xo

  2. What a wonderful surprise!!! I'm so thrilled someone shared the recent beauty shots as I was so excited about them. THank you for your kind words and encouraging support, it really keeps me going and creating. Fabulous feature, I hope your readers enjoyed!! Thank you!!


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