12 July 2010

Dare to be Different

Sometimes I find myself awestruck by the thought of owning a totally unique engagement ring like one of these stunners from Conroy & Wilcox. Can you imagine what it would feel like to look down at your left finger and know that very few--if any--other people have the same engagement ring as you? These little daydreams of mine usually last a few minutes before I question whether or not I would look down at my hand at the age of 70 and still appreciate that uniqueness, or if I would yearn for a more classic, traditional ring.

I say this because I have a tendency to visually stalk the left ring fingers of women on the subway. It's sort of become a hobby. I recently became brave enough to tell a woman that her ring was beautiful. She smiled, said thank you, looked around the crowded train, and then covered it with her other hand. I guess she didn't want anyone else leering too long.

I'm such a creeper.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely gorgeous! i love off kilter jewelry - such a reshing charm to it. xx, jane


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