24 June 2010

Summer Nights

On Tuesday night, it was 91 degrees here in New Jersey. It's been about that temperature consistently for the last few weeks. Tiho and I decided to have a lazy date night and ignore our computers. We cooked dinner together, watched a romantic comedy (It's Complicated...love that Meryl Streep) and snuggled up on the couch.

Around 10:00 pm, the sky opened. With mugs of tea in hand, we sat on the steps of our tiny front porch and listened to the rain (while reveling in the 20 degree temperature drop). I kept inhaling the signature sweet smell of a warm rainfall. We ended up spending a good hour out there, just sitting, sipping and talking about everything from family to skinny dipping to religion. I remember thinking how quintissentially summer it felt.

I have no idea how the above image relates to this post other than the fact that it also feels summery. I like the weightless feeling summer evokes and am going to indulge it all season long.

1 comment:

Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.