30 March 2010

A Country Farmhouse

I want to tell you a little story. It begins approximately 12 hours prior to the crashing of my laptop, around 9:00 pm on Saturday. I was holed up in Tiho's bed with a spoon, a cartoon of Rocky Road ice cream and my macbook, resigned to a comfortable evening of blog reading and movie watching, while waiting up for Tiho (who was at a soccer game with some buddies).

After exploring a few new (to me) blogs, I happened upon a blog called A Country Farmhouse. And, I ended up staying for hours, absolutely immersed in the archives.

I was instantly captivated by everything about A Country Farmhouse; from the stunning pictures to the beautiful writing, to the "theme"--the renovation of a country farmhouse by a husband and wife-team. I found myself dragging image after image onto my desktop to file away in my "home inspiration" folder.

At this point, Tiho arrived, and I retired my computer for the evening. Somewhere between then and morning, my laptop crashed.

We're still not sure exactly what happened, but it happened, and I have to live with the fact that I lost a lot of valuable data. I am disappointed with having lost my carefully organized "image folders," containing of all the pictures I find lovely and inspiring. I'd been building those files for several months.
Anyway, it's been a couple of days since all of this, and in the midst of packing up my apartment, I find myself mentally returning to A Country Farmhouse over and over again. I think the only way I can describe the blog is to say that it moved me, and now I am moved to share that feeling.

I am currently writing this on my old laptop, from 2003. I had it buried in my closet and we miraculously got it up and running--well, more like up and "chugging," but it's temporarily holding me over until my other computer gets a new hard drive.
I wanted to write this post, and share these images because they are beautiful to me. They exemplify a sort of indescribable sense of calm and peace, a sense that I hope to manifest in my own home (and a sense that puts it all in perspective, especially during frustrating moments in life, such as now). I returned to A Country Farmhouse in order to start a fresh "inspiration folder" in the form of this post. To me, this house is perfect in every way.

One day, I will have a home like this; a big farmhouse in the country, surrounded by mountains and orchards, where flowers cut fresh from my garden adorn each room and ice cold glasses of lemonade are sipped--lazily--on the wrap-around porch.

One day.

(all images via
A Country Farmhouse)


  1. Dear Kayla,
    Your words are so kind and thoughtful and completely moved ME. I am so very happy that you stopped by for a visit!

    And when I read your post, I said to my husband, "This lovely woman Kayla said some wonderful things about us and our home...and she lives in NYC, New York!!! Wow, huh?!"

    Since visiting your blog, I've already downloaded several inspiration photos - what a beautiful collection you have! And I'm so sorry about your computer - I'll keep my fingers crossed XX that your files can be recovered.

    I actually just bought a MAC as my five year old Toshiba was moving v e r y s l o w l y. ; )

    So glad to have met you and look forward to visiting again!
    X Trina

  2. Trina,
    As I mentioned on your blog (and on here in my ode to "A Country Farmhouse"), I simply adore everything about your home. It is perfect. Thanks for such amazing inspiration and for visiting my space :)


Your thoughts always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave them.