19 March 2010

Blinks For Your Weekend

I am especially cheerful today because I am now officially on spring break for the next 17 days. The perks of teaching in a NYC private school...I am a lucky girl indeed. It really is perfect timing, as the dreaded stomach bug just ravaged through my class. And, I am thankful that I have this "vacation" to organize and pack, considering the big move is just three weeks away (!)

I am doing a bit of light travel this weekend. My mother, Tiho and I are driving upstate to visit my grandmother on Saturday. While there, I'll be rummaging through her attic to uncover treasures from my childhood and adolescence that have been stored for the past several years (i.e. yearbooks, photographs, art, etc.). Since my mom relocated to NYC recently, she also has several pieces of antique furniture in the attic. I've been given the go-ahead to take what I want (though we're limited to what fits in the car, a medium-sized SUV). Nonetheless, I'm psyched!

Enjoy the weekend, and be sure to check out these goodies from around the web:

Who is the cutest?

I am now scheming plans for a garden party.

24 Hours in NYC in 24 (photo) frames.

Gonna go get myself a big bag of blood oranges and make these.

A Mansion in Maine? Yes please.

DIY: Where to put your rain-soaked boots.

*image is actually a puzzle. neat, no?

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