25 January 2010


Katie Rose Clarke as Glinda

T and I saw Wicked on Broadway over the weekend ($25 front row seats(!), through the show's lottery), and I was thoroughly blown away by both the collective pool of talent and the overall production (choreography, set & costume design, special effects, etc.). I've seen many Broadway shows in my lifetime and I must say, Wicked now ranks as one of my personal favorites.

Katie Rose Clarke
as Glinda was phenomenal. I happen to adore Kristin Chenoweth (the actress who originated the role of Glinda on Broadway) and now I feel the need to stalk Ms. Clarke's theater history, too.

I am most attracted to female performers like Clarke and Chenoweth; actresses whose singing ability is unrivaled and whose comedic timing is out of this freaking world. Or, maybe I'm just obsessed with Glinda in general. She's so glitterific.


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